Yala National Park is Sri Lanka’s most popular wild life safari destination, which is home to leopards, crocodile, elephant, deer, sambar,bear wild boar, wild buffalo and peacock and may varieties of birds including migratory birds such as flamingos. The uniqueness off the park is its many different habitat diversities such as dense jungles,logoons and open park areas a beautiful sea front and rocky outcrops.
Haven for migrant and resident birds and for its wetland habitat Yala is most famous for its migratory and resident birds. Situated around 250km south east of Colombo.the 6200ha park It was first declared as a sanctuary in 1969 and now a national park. The most significant aspect is its 20000 or more shorebirds residing at Yala from August to April each Year.
It Also include picturesque lagoons and intertidal mudflats where the wintering birds rest and feed, golden beached and sand dunes which is a nesting place for sea turtles and thorny scrub jungle where elephant, deer and wild buffalo roam.